Friday, June 24, 2011

First Week in Montana= Success, more or less.

Ok, so I know I haven't posted a new blog in a while. I apologize for neglecting you, my... six subscribers... but this is my attempt to make it up to you.

We made it to Montana from Ohio. It took us three days, and what a wonderful, fun-filled three days that was. We ran into about forty hajillion closed roads due to those floods in Iowa, forcing us to travel through Nebraska (which, might I add, is the worst state I have ever been in). Then, when we finally got to Keystone, we made it to Mount Rushmore in time to see it covered in fog. And apparently everything closes in Keystone at 10:00 so we were left to eat dry cereal and listen to my cat moan and try to get in the windows (because he has to be obnoxiously obtrusive on the night when we need to sneak him into the hotel).

But now we're here. It took a few days but I managed to get a job at Target, because apparently, they don't mind that I have no real skills to speak of, other than the ability to look like a troll with a neck wound, an extensive knowledge of bears and Pokémon, and the ability to not have a job (you're welcome for the free endorsement, Target). We don't really have furniture yet, but we're getting there, don't worry. It'll be no time and then we'll have a television AND a couch. :D

Montana's beautiful though. I really can't get over the fact that every time I walk outside, there are mountains, just staring at me. It really is awesome. And the weather is so.... not stifling. I mean, its June and its been right around 70° and not in the least bit humid. I love it. I know, I know; it'll be colder than Antarctica around October, but I prefer not to think about that right now.

My cat still isn't used to the new place. He spends most of his days walking around the house moaning. And then he spends his nights walking around the house moaning. And then when I wake up in the morning, he moans at me. And when I'm reading, he moans at me. And just for a change of pace, he moans at me. I think he might be broken.

And since I didn't post in a very long time, here's a picture of me on my mattress/desk in my new place.
WARNING: This picture is very racy, and I would advise you to remove your children from the room, lest they reach puberty at an alarming rate because of this picture. In fact, you probably shouldn't even look at it. Just turn around and face the wall. You've been warned.

Told you. Now, go clean yourself up.

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