Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pantsless Cat Hour

I set my alarm for 10:30 AM because I didn't have to go to Spanish class and I figured I'd give myself a rare chance to sleep in this morning. This preemptive strategy on my part for a better day was slightly ruined by the fact that my body is now conditioned to awaken at precisely 9:00 every single day without a trace of tiredness. Couple that with the fact that the sun was glaring at the world for the first time in weeks, and you've got a recipe for the most alert college student in well over a century. The rage was almost too much to handle, but my pleasure from realizing that I had not gotten a hangover from last night's Leinie© party quickly outweighed what frustration I felt, so I contented myself with spending ninety minutes not wearing pants, which is one of my favorite pastimes (I know, "pastimes" looks really weird, but I looked it up and that is how you spell it.)

Apparently, sometime in the night, my cat had decided that he needed to strew the contents of my wallet throughout my room. My cat loves to eat plastic, so my wallet filled with student IDs, driver's licenses, credit cards, etc, obviously appeared to him as a plastic buffet. Of course, I needed revenge, so after succumbing to the urge to leave the warmth of my two comforters in order to pee, I settled in to torment the little shit head.

Typically, I just torture my little buddy by making the "HOOOOOOOOOOOOO" noise at him, which usually results in him leaving the room as quickly as possible, but today, I needed to prolong the agony, so I tied a shoestring around his waist. This used to provide hours of entertainment as he tried in vain to simultaneously attack and escape from the enemy/victim now attached to his body. Unfortunately for me, he's used to my shenanigans, so instead of giving me the satisfaction of seeing him in anguish, he merely chewed on the end of the shoestring and walked out of the room without a scene. I found the shoestring in the hallway less than five minutes later. Now its almost time for me to put on pants, the cat is sitting in the window, and I swear to god he's got a smug little smile on his face because he knows that he won this round. At least Baby Chikky still loves me. BABY CHIIIIIIKKKKYYYY!!!! :]

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