Monday, March 14, 2011

A las tres y treinta de la tarde

Its spring break. I realize that this is the last spring break I will have in Ohio. I also realize that I have never gone to a REAL spring break party. This doesn't bother me too much, as I am not one for parties. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I love nothing more than waking up naked with my iMac after a night of debauchery, but they are few and far between.

So I spent the first day of my break cleaning. Well, technically, I slept until 11:00, spent a couple hours cleaning, and then went to spend Jon's lunch break with him. The fluorescent light above our table was flickering, and it gave me a headache, but the cheese-sticks weren't terrible and Jon seemed genuinely pleased with the Sigur Rós album that I gave him, so I consider it a decent outing.

On another note I have done considerably well with not eating meat for Lent, apart from a couple random pieces of bacon and the sushi I had on Saturday (not like it really matters, since I'm about as non-Catholic as you can get). Also, my manager is letting me go to Penn Station on my breaks, so I enjoy an artichoke sub on a regular basis now :]

I think that's about all for now, I've got to be at work in fifteen minutes, and god-forbid I'M late like the rest of the crew. Later.


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