Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nothing to write about.

I really have nothing to write about today. I've been working all weekend, Jon's getting married tomorrow, and I have five Dos Equis in my fridge right now, but I don't have anything to say about any of that. So here's this to make up for my lack of insight.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Being Gay

I really love being gay. It's probably one of my favorite things in the world. I think everyone should be a little bit gay. I love lesbians. They're the greatest people in the world. Doesn't everyone just say "awww" whenever they see a gay couple being happy in real life? I dare you to see a girl sneak a quick kiss with her girlfriend and not think its the cutest thing on the entire planet. Being gay is beautiful. Boys dancing together at parties, women growing old together, girls passing a simple note that says "Do you love me? Yes or No", it's all wonderful. It makes me happy. Happier than hula hooping, or turkey crunch wraps, or Lady Gaga, or web comics... Being gay makes me want to sing, jump, dinosaur dance, rage, explode, and grin... all at once.

In short:
I love being gay.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I want to go here.

This is Holi, the festival of colors, as it is celebrated in India. I want to do this in America.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Interspecies Play-dates

So what if pets had their friends over? I mean, like we have friends over? What if they were like our actual children and could just hang out with other animals from around the neighborhood. Would we stop them from hanging out with anything other than their species? Would our cats get in trouble if they started hanging out with dogs? Would there be certain liberal pet owners that would let their pet turtles hang out with hamsters because "this is the 21st century, stop being speciesist"? I mean, if I returned to my home to find that my cat had become bffs with an echidna, I'd probably allow it. Not a spider though. Those are creepy. Later.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Day After St. Patrick's Day

I decided to drink last night in honor of St. Patty's Day. I started the night off right by dancing in a parking lot to "The Dog Days are Over" by Florence+ The Machine. Then I ended up waiting for Brooke to get off work for a couple of hours and lost my buzz, so we decided to go to the bars. 

The bars around here are normally pretty lame, and last night was no exception. Dirty Butt's, sadly, was probably the place to be, but I have an aversion to skank, so we walked back over to the Royal. After a couple of shots, we weren't feeling a damn thing so we went home to watch American Dad.

I'm going hiking today with Jon. I'm packing an organic picnic, which I look forward to consuming :)
Hopefully it doesn't rain on us. Later.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Laundry day

Today's my laundry day. Yep, that's the highlight of my day. I've gotta work at 4, and that is typically terrible. I'll also need to go to bed slightly early tonight, since I'm working dayshift tomorrow...

Jon's out of town until Friday, which kinda stinks, but we're going for a hike when he gets back. That should be pretty fun.

I need to get gas, peanut butter and jelly... and bread, and price a tattoo. Fuck.... I gotta get off of here and do this shit. Later.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A las tres y treinta de la tarde

Its spring break. I realize that this is the last spring break I will have in Ohio. I also realize that I have never gone to a REAL spring break party. This doesn't bother me too much, as I am not one for parties. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I love nothing more than waking up naked with my iMac after a night of debauchery, but they are few and far between.

So I spent the first day of my break cleaning. Well, technically, I slept until 11:00, spent a couple hours cleaning, and then went to spend Jon's lunch break with him. The fluorescent light above our table was flickering, and it gave me a headache, but the cheese-sticks weren't terrible and Jon seemed genuinely pleased with the Sigur Rós album that I gave him, so I consider it a decent outing.

On another note I have done considerably well with not eating meat for Lent, apart from a couple random pieces of bacon and the sushi I had on Saturday (not like it really matters, since I'm about as non-Catholic as you can get). Also, my manager is letting me go to Penn Station on my breaks, so I enjoy an artichoke sub on a regular basis now :]

I think that's about all for now, I've got to be at work in fifteen minutes, and god-forbid I'M late like the rest of the crew. Later.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Caramel Apple Spice and Blue Tortilla

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but I haven't been too sure of what to even write about. Even now, with my fancy title glaring at me from my computer screen, I'm having trouble collecting enough thoughts to make this first blog worth something. As the first of hopefully many blogs, this one needs to set a precedent of interest that the others will hopefully maintain. This is the one that should catch your eye, that will leave you wanting more, that hopefully will not suck... Meh, I'm out of things to say... More tomorrow. Later.
